When you are looking to finish a software development project for your company, choosing the right development team to outsource the project to is extremely important. The reasons for outsourcing software development are abounding, from cost and time efficiency, to gaining access to a team of professionals who will take your project to the next… View Article
IoT (Internet of Things) has become a real buzzword lately. The potential of IoT to shape the future and make our life easier, safer, and more productive has led to lot of applications, hardware’s and ecosystems being developed to support this technology. By 2020, the number of smart connected IoT Devices will reach 20 Billion…. View Article
Many people think of Block Chain as the technology that powers Bitcoin. While powering the Bitcoin was its original purpose, Block Chain is capable of much more. Despite the sound of the word, there is not just one “Blockchain”. The term Blockchain is shorthand for a whole suite of distributed ledger technologies that can be… View Article
It is amazing how extraordinary things can become the everyday. The technology that we used to see in the 90’s movies, is part of our everyday life. The tech that we thought was lifetime away, is just around the corner. Driver-less cars, smart cities, smart homes, the connection between devices and internet via embedded devices,… View Article
Growth of Information Technology (IT) sector during the last decade has pushed many companies to find new ways of operating. The growth trend of IT will keep touching new highs as it is predicted to see a major growth globally. Researches at IDC have predicted that the global IT industry will reach $5 trillion in… View Article
Software development nearshoring in the IT Industry has seen major growth in recent years among EU Companies. The reason behind the growth of nearshoring lays behind the benefits which are offered by transfer of the IT Operations and software development processes to the nearby countries. Cutting development costs while maintaining high standards of services, creating… View Article
Software developers face a big challenge trying to create and deliver software that suits a customer’s needs and streamlines their business process. There are many pitfalls to avoid during the software development cycle and the roadmap is often not clear. Many times, customers do not understand the inefficiencies in their own business process, or they… View Article
Software Development in Switzerland is growing day by day, and based on the ICTSwitzerland survey, in 2018 alone, the Swiss software industry has had a 14.8% growth, pushing companies to constantly look for innovative ways to improve their business. When an industry grows, the need for outsourcing and resource allocation becomes a vital factor for… View Article
Today is the International Women’s Day and we wanted to publish a post about the successful female programmers who made a difference in the software development industry. Female programmers are often seen out of the spotlight and their contribution is less known to the world. Today we’ve decided to bring a list of top 7 female programmers whose… View Article
When you hear the term outsourcing, some people are confused as to what this really is. There are many people who have their own distinct definition as to what it really entails. Outsourcing is actually when a company takes a process done at a business and then they contact other businesses who might have specialize… View Article
Software Development Outsourcing is a trend nowadays. A lot of businesses outsource their software development process to dedicated teams around the globe. Even though outsourcing is trendy, finding the right country to outsource can be hard. The idea of software outsourcing is to optimize the costs without losing the quality, and when it comes to… View Article
Die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologiebranche wächst und wächst. Doch der Bedarf an neuen Fachkräften kann kaum abgedeckt werden. In der Schweiz mangelt es in Zeiten der Digitalisierung und des technologischen Wandels an Software-Entwicklern, IT-Ingenieuren oder auch an Telekommunikations-Spezialisten. Und die Lage dürfte sich in den kommenden Jahren noch zuspitzen. Denn die Branche wächst nicht nur, sondern… View Article
Die Wirtschaft braucht qualifiziertes Personal, um weiter wachsen zu können. Doch nicht in allen Berufen gibt es genügend Fachkräfte. Veröffentlicht am 23.05.2018 In vielen Berufen gibt es einen Mangel an qualifiziertem Personal. In welchen der Fachkräftemangel besonders gross ist, zeigt eine Studie der Personaldienstleisters Adecco in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Zürich. Der Arbeitsmarkt steht vor… View Article
Um der rasanten Entwicklung in der ICT-Welt standhalten und bei aktuellen Themen proaktiv mitwirken zu können, erwerben wir die Mitgliedschaft der swissICT.
Mit der Mitgliedschaft bei der swiss made software verpflichten wir uns noch stärker, Produkte mit hohem Qualitätsstandard zu liefern. Wir sind stolz darauf, dieses Label tragen zu dürfen, und versprechen unseren Kunden Schweizer Qualität.
Degree of Internationalization and Target Markets Figure 15: Distribution of international revenue Internationalization of Swiss Software Companies 14.5% of the revenue of the Swiss software industry comes from countries other than Switzerland. Germany remains the most important export market by a wide margin. More than 45% of the export revenue comes from Germany. North America… View Article
Assume your company decides to outsource its software development. Now you’re wondering: Will outsourcing affect the quality? Simply put, the quality of your software depends on the provider you hire. When you choose the right provider, it shows. In my 30-plus years of IT experience, I’ve seen many companies make the wrong software outsourcing choice. And… View Article
Selbst machen oder auslagern? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigen sich viele Unternehmen. Schließlich gibt es gute Gründe, spezialisierte Dienstleister mit der Abwicklung einzelner Prozesse oder ganzer Firmenbereiche zu beauftragen. Ob sich Outsourcing tatsächlich lohnt, hängt nicht zuletzt davon ab, wie überzeugend die Argumente des Anbieters sind. IT-Outsourcing bringt häufig Vorteile Unternehmen und einzelne Fachbereiche in Deutschland… View Article
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